Thursday, February 20, 2025


Cabernet is a 19th century vampire RPG with lots of deep narrative choices.  Will you merge with vampiric society and feed on your neighbors? Or can compassion and love outweigh an eternal thirst?

We helped bring Cabernet to all consoles, including Switch, Playstation, and Xbox.  Plus GoG and EGS on top of that, really.  It's a unique game with a lot of cool story reactivity, and totally worth checking out!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Unity Logging Still Happens in Release

 We recently spent two days chasing down a major hitch, that ultimately boiled down to two things.  First, turns out, Unity doesn't necessarily disable its logging in Release, it silences it.  Second, really tall callstacks take a while to format text for.  Probably.  Best we can tell, anyway.

This was using engine version 2022.3.36f1, for reference.

This started with a major framerate hitch on one of our platforms, on the order of multiple seconds.  This was detectable on other platforms but much less substantial, and measuring it in a profiler we saw LogStringToConsole taking around 30ms in the editor, in the right situation.  That's already hitch-worthy, but it's not usually that bad and obviously much milder than on our problem platform.  So what's going on?

Initially we dismissed this, because in Release logging is disabled, right?  But as we started trying things we started being suspicious, since everything else in the area seemed benign and removing other items didn't really move the needle any.  We had assistance from QA who tested a few previous builds and verified this wasn't entirely new, but it was dependent on how long you played.  Loading into the level and testing it wasn't an issue, but leaving the game to soak for an hour was.

Eventually we got suspicious and removed all the log prints, and the hitch went away, even in Release.  Interesting.  Suggests Unity doesn't disable its log printing, sure, but why would a log print take so long even if that is the case?

Well, this particular project uses coroutines heavily.  It's built partly with Unity's visual scripting and this particular coroutine originates there.  It does its work, then at the end of execution it calls itself, and starts another iteration.  So over time you have a coroutine starting a coroutine starting a coroutine, basically forever.

Perhaps you've noticed, whenever Unity prints a log print it always includes a callstack in the log.  The editor hides this but it's present in the actual log output.  Because of the above setup, that callstack inevitably gets longer and longer, eventually being hundreds or thousands of lines long.  Why is there a gigantic hitch?  Best we can tell, because it's building that massive callstack print and formatting it.  On a slower platform, and depending on how it handles logging, this can be very bad.  Even on PC it's detectable as a few MS that maybe causes a one-frame skip.  On more controlled platforms, it's possibly going through a few layers of operations before it gets to the actual output, and who knows what those are doing

The good news is, you can actually disable logging, by setting Debug.logger.logEnabled to false.  This removed the hitch entirely, including its presence in Release builds.  So this is what we ultimately did.  But it took a long time to figure out this quirk, so here I am documenting it for the public.  Hope this saves somebody else some time.

Monday, November 25, 2024


A fast-paced, hardcore retro-FPS set in a sprawling megalopolis.  Escape the walled city and take on the militarized government of the sprawl!  Sprawl is an Unreal based title, and we helped bring it to console platforms!

Sprawl is now available for Xbox and PlayStation platforms!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Encoding a Video With Alpha for Unity, Using FFMPEG

It took a surprisingly long time to track down a working combination of arguments for this, so here's one that's known working in an actual project.  This is using Unity version 2022.3.36 and FFMPEG version 7.0.x.  Allowing the asset to re-encode worked fine on all platforms we tried, including all consoles, except the SteamDeck somehow.  We ended up disabling re-encode on PC for that reason.

ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i Frames\Blink\Blink_%%02d.png -b:v 8M -c:v libvpx -pix_fmt yuva420p -metadata:s:v:0 alpha_mode="1" -auto-alt-ref 0 Videos\Blink_VidAlpha.webm

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 A classic survival horror experience, Signalis asks you to unravel a dark mystery in the confined spaces of an offworld government facility.  You are Elster, a technician seeking her lost partner and lost dreams.

Although we didn't handle the original port, we were approached to get the game updated with new content from the PC release.  These updates are now live on all console platforms!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Astrea: Six Sided Oracles

A beautiful deck-building game that makes use of dice instead of cards, Astrea is a Unity based project that we helped bring to consoles!  Choose one of six unique Oracles, expand your collection of dice, cleanse or corrupt your enemies, and gather artifacts to save your star system!

Astrea is now available on Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox!  (or Steam, of course)